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Side Infos


I was born 1982 in Böblingen, as the daughter of an Automotivedesigner at Mercedes. I went to School in Sindelfingen and graduated with Art and Spanish. I went to the Art and Design University of Pforzheim, known für Graphicdesign, Art + Sculpture, Automotivedesign and Jewelery.


Beside the yearly exhibitions - open to public - at the University with graphic design I always showed sculptures and digital paintings. I was so into sculpturing, that i attend a small groupexhibitions with two friends in Nurenberg 2005. This Show last for 2Monthes.


At the 12th Filmfestival i made the 3rd place with my surreal movie "Zwischenwelt" which was also shown at the Filmfestival 14.11.2005


I work as a UI Desinger at Audi Design Ingolstadt with ambitions into AR and digital Art.

Bio: Lebenslauf
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